About Chiropractic

Recent scientific studies are revealing a new understanding about how chiropractic spinal adjustments work. Today, over a hundred years on from the ‘first’ chiropractic adjustment, we know much more about how the brain and the rest of the central nervous system functions. And we are beginning to understand the big picture of how chiropractic adjustments really work.

What is a subluxation?
Chiropractors adjust dysfunctional segments in your spine called subluxations. Originally, many people thought that dysfunctional ‘subluxated’ spinal segments were ‘out of place’, or misaligned, and that this put pressure on the nerves exiting the spine. We now know that this theory is not really the best way to describe what a subluxation is. We have come to understand that we don’t really put bones back in place when we adjust the spine. A vertebral subluxation is not so much the condition of a bone being out of place; it is more that a bone is functioning or moving in a less than ideal way – in a manner that is not ‘normal’ for the body.

A recent wave of scientific discovery has quite clearly revealed that the brain retains its ability to adapt to its ever-changing environment throughout life. It has also become clear to neuroscientists how important it is for our brains to maintain an accurate and up-to- date inner ‘map’ of the location of our muscles and joints in 3D space. Without this inner map, our brain is unable to properly control our body.Spinal function seems to be one factor the brain uses as part of its integration of all information to create your inner virtual reality.