10 Answers to Frequently Asked Questions about Chiropractic Care
1.) I’m in a lot of pain right now. Will you be able to treat me on the first visit?
I treat 99% of my patients on their first visit. Most people seek care initially because they are in pain and I do everything possible to help reduce their symptoms on the first visit. The only exception to this would be if the exam should reveal a medical reason not to adjust you.
2.) I want to play an active role in my recovery. How much of what you recommend will I be able to do on my own?
WE will work together on getting YOU better. There is no substitute for spinal adjustments but I use an online exercise program where I create a customized plan for you that will show you what stretches and strengthening exercises you can do in order to facilitate your healing process. I will also give you some dietary guidelines, if interested.
3.) I feel like my pain is mostly soft-tissue. Will you still want x-rays?
I don’t take “routine” x-rays on my patients. I evaluate each patient’s condition and need for x-rays. If your exam and history does not indicate the need for x-rays, I won’t take any.
4.) Will other practitioners be involved in my care? (Massage therapist? Physical therapist?)
I have 2 Massage Therapists in the office. I also incorporate spinal traction into your treatment plan if needed. I no longer provide heat, electrical stim etc. You would have to go see a Physical Therapist for those modalities.
5.) My regular physician is an MD and is wary (and even critical) of chiropractors. Why would that be? Will you contact him/her?
I would say that that is a better question for him/her. If any Medical Provider is up to date on the current research they will know that spinal adjustments are extremely safe, cost effective and often the best treatment for many common conditions such as neck and back pain and a multitude of other neurological / musculoskeletal conditions. I will be happy to contact your Medical Provider and discuss your case with them if it will enable me to help you better.
6.) There seem to be a lot of different chiropractic approaches and philosophies. What’s yours and how do you think it benefits patients when compared to other techniques?
My approach to chiropractic has actually changed over the 30 years I have been in practice. We now know that we affect the brain and nervous system rather than aligning bones and adjusting bones “back into place”. Your brain and central nervous system controls everything in your body. When you have restricted vertebral segments in your spine, your brain is not able to “see” what is going on at that segmental level and therefore has difficulty controlling the behavior of that segment. Chiropractors are training to locate these restricted vertebral segments and how to properly adjust them in order to improve the brain-spine connection.
There are many different chiropractic techniques. As long as vertebral restrictions are improved, it doesn’t matter what chiropractic technique is used. I mainly use either manual adjustments also called diversified adjustments and the activator (clicker) instrument.
7.) How much time will I be spending with the actual doctor per visit?
The initial visit will take about one hour. This is where I gather all necessary information about you and your condition. Your 2nd appointment will take about 20-30 min. This is where I go over the results of the initial visit along with a treatment plan.
Subsequent visits take about 10-15 min unless you have a massage before your chiropractic adjustment.
8.) How do you test and/or examine patients?
Every new patient will receive a thorough exam including neurological tests where I can evaluate how well your nervous system is functioning.
At the end of every treatment plan, I will do a re-exam where we re-test the positive findings in order to evaluate your progress.and future treatment plan
9.) I have a lot of anxiety when I’m being adjusted/manipulated. Are there other techniques that are not as jarring or physically intimidating?
Yes, if you are not comfortable receiving manual manipulation I have several other “tools in my bag”. The Activator is often a good choice for people who dislike the “popping” of their spine. I also use Sacro-Occipital Blocks (SOT) that are a great way to adjust patients using minimal force.
10.) What is the most important advice you can offer to a patient?
You must have patience. Most conditions didn’t start when you started feeling pain. They have slowly built up over time just like straws on a camel’s back. We are a cumulative result of all the “living” we have done in the years past and it can take some time to make changes to your nervous system.
Be part of the solution. You will have to change the way you do certain things in order to get the results you are looking for. Maybe it is your posture, your eating habits, your stressful life. Whatever your “bad habits” are, you will need to make some changes in order to get the results you are looking for. Your health is like a battery, you can’t keep using it every day and never charging it, meaning you must balance the “bad habit” with some good health choices including massage and chiropractic.